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5. Õppekirjandus ja abimaterjalid

Alljärgnev kirjandus on olemas EELK UI või TÜ raamatukogus. Kirjandusloendit uuendatakse järjepidevalt.

1. Alliktekstid

1.1 Piibel. Süstemaatilise teoloogia vaatevinklist võib alustada Piiblile lähenemist näiteks järgmiste raamatute kaudu: Mk, Jh, Gl, Rm, 1Kr.

1.2 Kiriku usutunnistused

* Vanakiriklikud-oikumeenilised: Nt Apostellik Usutunnistus, Nikaia(-Konstantinoopoli) Usutunnistus, Athanasiuse Usutunnistus.
* 16. saj. reformatsiooni usutunnistused: Nn luterlikud usutunnistuskirjad, k.a. vanakiriklikud usutunnistused, on koondatud Konkordia raamatus. Eriti tähtsad: Lutheri Väike ja Suur Katekismus, Augsburgi Usutunnistus. Reformeeritud usutunnistuskirjad: nt Heidelbergi Katekismus.
– Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Traditions, ed by J. Pelikan & V. Hotshkiss, 2003. 3 köidet alliktekste ja 1 köide sissejuhatust/kommentaari.
Volume I: Early, Eastern, & Medieval,
Volume II: Reformation Era
Volume III. Modern Christianity
Credo. Historical & Theological Guide to Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition, Jaroslav Pelikan, 2003
Luterlikud usutunnistuskirjad, EELK UI õppekirjandus 11, toim. R. Tasmuth, Tallinn: EELK Usuteaduse Instituut, 2013
– Die Bekenntnisschriften der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche (edaspidi: BSLK), Hrsg. im Gedenkjahr der Augsburgischer Konfession 1930, 11. Auflage (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992). (Kriitiline teaduslik väljaanne, mis on aluseks ka ingliskeelsele tõlkele.)
– The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,Ed. by Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, Transl. by Charles Arandt, et al. (Minneapolis:Fortress Press), 2000. (Vt ka Sources and Context of The Book of Concord, Ed. by Robert Kolb and James A. Nestingen.)

1.3 Evangeelse teoloogia kontekstis:

Martin Lutheri peamised kirjutised; lisaks teised 16. ja 17. sajandi luterlikud ja reformeeritud teoloogid, aga ka uuemad evangeelse teoloogia klassikud.
* Martin Lutheri teosed
– Lutheri teoste kriitiline tervikväljaanne (nn Weimari väljaanne) koosneb 120 köitest. Inglise keelne suur väljaanne on 55-köiteline Luther’s Works.
– Martin Luther, Valitud tööd. Koost. Urmas Petti, Avatud Eesti Raamat, Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2012.
Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings, Ed by Timothy F. Lull, 1989 (Väga korralik üheköiteline kogumik)
– Martin Luther, Lateinisch-deutsche Studienausgabe, 1-3 Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanst (2006-2009). (Praegu põhiväljaanne stuudiumiks saksakeelses ruumis.)
– Martin Luther, Ausgewählte Schriften, herausgegeben von Karin Bornkamm und Gerhard Ebeling, Frankfurt am Main: Insel, 1982 (Väga lugejasõbralik ja asjatundlikult koostatud kogumik kaasaegses saksa keeles.)
– The Annotated Luther, 1-5, 2015-2017. (Praegu põhiväljaanne stuudiumiks ingliskeelses ruumis.)
* UI raamatukogus on eesti keelse kirjutusmasina-koopiana olemas ka suurepärane reformaatorite (Lutheri, Melanchtoni, Calvini) ja 16.-17. sajandi luterlike ja reformeeritud teoloogide valiktekstide kogumik: Emanuel Hirsch [koostaja], Abiraamat dogmaatika stuudiumi jaoks: Reformaatorite ja varaevangeelsete õpetajate dogmaatika. (Originaal: Hilfsbuch zum Studium der Dogmatik, koostaja Emanuel Hirsch, Berlin : de Gruyter, 1964, 4. Aufl.)

Uuema evangeelse teoloogia põhiteksid, koost. W. Härle, T.-A. Põder, Avatud Eesti Raamat, Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2013.

1.4 Kristliku usu klassikalised tervikkäsitlused

– Origines, Printsiipidest (ca 212-215)
– Johannes Damaskusest, Tarkuse allikas. 3. raamat: Ortodokse usu täpne esitus (ca 743)
– Petrus Lombardus, Sententside neli raamatut (2. töötlus, 1158)
– Aquino Thomas, Teoloogia summa (1266-1273)
– Philipp Melanchton, Teoloogia üldised põhimõisted (1521)
– Johann Calvin, Kristliku religiooni õpetus (1536; lõppkuju 1559)
– Johann Gerhard, Teoloogia põhimõisted (1610-1622)
– Friedrich Schleiermacher, Kristlik usk (1821/1822; põhjalik töötlus 1830/1831)
– Karl Barth, Kiriklik dogmaatika (1932-1968) (eesti keeles on ilmunud E. Salumaa tõlgitud-koostatud üheköiteline kokkuvõte)
– Paul Tillich, Süstemaatiline teoloogia (1951-1963)
(Ainus Eesti kontekstis kirjutatud suur dogmaatika tervikkäsitlus on Tartu Ülikooli usuteaduskonna pikaaegse süstemaatilise teoloogia õppejõu Alexander von Oettingeni sulest: Dogmatik, I-III (1897-1902))

2. Teatmeteosed

2.1 Suur entsüklopeedia

– Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE), 35 köidet ja 5 lisaköidet.

2.2 Keskmise suurusega käsiraamatud ja leksikonid

RPP– Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft (RGG), 4. völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage, 8 köidet ja 1 lisaköide.
– Religion Past and Present. Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion, Vol 1-14, 2006-2013 NB! Eestis olemas üksnes EELK UI raamatukogus
– Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon. Internationale theologische Enzyklopädie (EKL), 3. Auflage (Neufassung), 4 köidet ja 1 lisaköide.
– Handbuch der Christlichen Ethik, Hrsg. von Anselm Hertz, W. Korff, T. Rendtorff, H. Ringeling, Aktualisierte Neuausgabe, 3 köidet, 1993.

2.3 Üheköitelised teatmeteosed

– The Oxford Companion to Christian Thougth: Intellectual, Spiritual, and Moral Horizons of Christianity, Ed by Adrian Hastings et al., 2000
– A New Handbook of Christian Theology, Ed Donald W. Musser et , 1992
– New Dictionary of Christian Ethics & Pastoral Theology, Ed. David J. Atkinson, David F. Field, Arthur Holmes, Oliver O’Donovan, 1995
– Lexikon der theologischen Werke, hrsg. von Michael Eckert, Urs Baumann, Eilert Herms, Eberhard Jüngel, Stuttgart: Kröner, 2003. (Suurima mõjuga teoloogilised teosed antiigist tänapäevani.)
– Metzler Lexikon Christlicher Denker, Hrsg. von Markus Vinzent, 2000
– Theologen lexikon. Von den Kirchenväter bis zur Gegenwart, Hrsg Härle/Wagner, 1987
– Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, Ed. by Nicholas Lossky et al., 2002
– A Handbook of Theological Terms, Van A. Harvey, 1966
– Theologisches Fach- und Fremdwörterbuch, 9. Auflage, Friedrich Hauch, Gerhard Scwinge, 2002

3. Standardõpikud

3.1 Süstemaatilise teoloogia sissejuhatus (fundamentaalteoloogia/printsiibiõpetus/nn teoloogia entsüklopeedia)
– Karl Barth, Evangelical Theology: An Introduction (Grand Rapids (Mich.); Cambridge: W.B. Eerdmans, 1996)
– Gerhard Ebeling, The study of theology, tr by Duane A. Priebe (London: Collins, 1979)
– Gerhard O. Forde, On being a theologian of the Cross: reflections on Luther’s Heidelberg disputation, 1518 (Grand Rapids (Mich.); Cambridge: W.B. Eerdmans, 1997)
– Eberhard Jüngel, Freedom of a Christian: Luther’s Significance for Contemporary Theology (Augsburg Fortress, 1988)
– Eberhard Jüngel, Justification – the heart of the Christian Faith (2006)
– Ingolf U. Dalferth, Evangelische Theologie als Interpretationspraxis: eine systematische Orientierung (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2004)
– Oswald Bayer, Theology the Lutheran way, ed and transl by Jeffrey G. Silcock and Mark C. Mattes (Grand Rapids (Mich.); Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2007)
– Steven Paulson, Lutheran Theology (2011)
– Paul Hinlickey, Lutheran Theology: A Critical introduction (2020)
– Kirsi Stejerna, Lutheran Theology: A Grammar of Faith (2021)
(Vt ka T.-A. Põder, Usukultuur evangeelses luterlikus vaatevinklis. EELK UI toimetised 28/ Süstemaatilise ja oikumeenilise teoloogia foorum 1, EELK Usuteaduse Instituut: Tallinn, 2018)
3.2 Dogmaatika

Uuemad tervikäsitlused (olemas UI raamatukogus):

– Helmut Thielicke, The Evangelical Faith, I-III (sks k 1968, ing k 1977-1982)
– Gerhard Ebeling, Dogmatik des christlichen Glaubens, I-III (1979, 4. töödeldud väljaanne 2012)
– Carl E. Braaten/Robert Jenson (ed.), Christian Dogmatics, I-II (1984)
– Wilfried Joest, Johannes von Lüpke, Dogmatik, I-II (1984, 5. töödeldud väljaanne 2010) (üks pikaaegseid põhiõpikuid saksakeelses ruumis, mida tudengid kasutavad dogmaatika tervikkäsitlusena).
– Wolfgang Pannenberg, Systematic Theology, I-III (sks k 1988-1993, 1. väljaanne ingl k 1991-1998)
– Wilfried Härle, Dogmatik (1995, 4. töödeldud väljaanne 2012) (üks pikaaegseid põhiõpikuid saksakeelses ruumis, mida tudengid kasutavad dogmaatika tervikkäsitlusena; ing k Wilfried Härle, Outline of Christian Doctrine: An Evangelical Dogmatics (2015)
– Robert Jenson, Systematic Theology, I-II (1999-2001)
– Paul R. Hinlicky, Beloved Community. Critical Dogmatics after Christendom (2015)
– Klaus Nürnberger, Faith in Christ Today. Invitation to Systematic Theology, I-II (2016)
– Ulrich H. J. Körtner, Dogmatik (2018) (uus põhiõpik saksakeelses ruumis)
(Eesti keeles märksõnade vormis dogmaatika õpik on 1984. aastast Elmar Salumaa, Süstemaatilise teoloogia käsiraamat, ehk, “Dogmaatika märksõnades” (Tallinn: Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku Usuteaduse Instituut, 2008, 2009))
(Eesti keeles annab põhiinfot saksa keeleruumis väga populaarne ja korduvalt välja antud ning E. Salumaa tõlgitud Horst Georg Pöhlmanni “Dogmaatika põhijooned” (orig. 1973, e k ilmunud 1994))

3.3 Eetika
3.3.1 Allikad

– George Wolfgang Forell (ed.), Christian Social Teachings: A Reader in Christian Social Ethics from the Bible to the Present (2012)
– Christian Ethics: Sources of the Living Tradition, ed. Waldo Beach, H. Richard Niebuhr (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1955)
– A Textbook of Christian Ethics, ed. Robin Gill (London: T & T Clark, 2008
– Quellentexte theologischer Ethik: Von der Alten Kirche bis zur Gegenwart, Hg. Stefan Grotefeld et al. (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2006)

3.3.2 Mitme autoriga ülevaateteosed

– The Oxford Handbook of Theological Ethics, ed. Gilbert Meilaender, William Werpehowski (Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press, 2005)
– The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics,Ed by Stanley Hauerwas and Samuel Wells, 2006
– The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics, Ed by Robin Gill, 2001

3.3.3 Kommenteeritud lugemik

Christian Ethics. An Introductory Reader, Ed by Samuel Wells, Viely-Blackwell, 2010.

3.3.4 Ühe autori tervikkäsitlused või kogumikud

– Elmar Salumaa, Evangeelse eetika alused, toim. Jaanus Noormägi (Tallinn: EELK Usuteaduse Instituut, 2003) [orig. Evangeelse eetose alused, kd. 1-3 (1956-1958); 2003. a. väljaanne on oluliselt lühendatud ja töödeldud)
– Oswald Bayer, Freedom in Response: Lutheran Ethics: Sources and Controversies, tr Jeffrey F. Cayzer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
– Martin Honecker, Einführung in die Theologische Ethik: Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe, Berlin; New York: de Gruyter, 1990
– Trutz Rendtorff, Ethics. 1-2 (1986-1989)
– Martin Honecker, Grundriss der Sozialethik, Berlin; New York: de Gruyter, 1995
– Dietz Lange, Ethik in evangelischer Perspektive, 2. Auflage, 2002
– Johannes Fischer, Theologische Ethik. Grundwissen und Orientierung, 2002
– Johannes Fischer … [et al.], Grundkurs Ethik. Grundbegriffe philosophischer und theologischer Ethik, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008, 2., überarb. und erw. Aufl. 2008 (peaautor J. Fischer)

4. Ajakirjad

TÜ raamatukogus (ja väljaspool TÜ kasutajale) elektroonilise ligipääsu võimaldajad:
1) Wiley Interscience / Wiley Online Library
2) EBSCO Academic Search Complete / ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
3) SAGE Online Journals
4) Cambridge Journals
5) SpringerLink
6) Taylor&Francis e-ajakirjad
Kui TÜ raamatukogu kodulehel „E-ajakirjad“ alla sisesta ajakirja pealkirja, leiab selle ligipääsukoha.

4.1 Spetsiaalselt süstemaatiline teoloogia

International Journal of Systematic Theology

ijst origThe International Journal of Systematic Theology publishes high-quality articles that focus on the articulation of the meaning, coherence and implications of Christian doctrine, and reviews major works in the discipline.

The International Journal of Systematic Theology has acquired a world-wide reputation for publishing high-quality academic articles on systematic theology and for substantial reviews of major new works of scholarship. Systematic theology, which is concerned with the systematic articulation of the meaning, coherence and implications of Christian doctrine, is at the leading edge of contemporary academic theology. The discipline has undergone a remarkable transformation in the last three decades, and is now firmly established as a central area of academic teaching and research.

The International Journal of Systematic Theology aims to publish articles of the highest quality in this area, and operates with a double-blind peer review system. Its core concern is the articulation of Christian doctrine in terms both of its content and of its implications for the wider sphere of culture. Although doctrine is thus its primary concern, the Journal on occasion publishes articles treating the doctrinal aspects of historical theology, ethics and philosophy of religion. The Journal is interested in contributions which discuss substantive rather than methodological issues.

Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie

The Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie which is published in three annual issues of 112 pages each, examines the exciting dialogue between Lutheran-Reformed theology and philosophy in the broadest sense, seeks to keep open a breadth of responsible thought in the controversial issue of contemporary theology, and offers a variety of ways to formulate questions. Through its international editorial board, it guarantees an exchange of theological research in German and English. Each issue features a review of periodicals which serve to keep the reader abreast of new research in the field.

4.2 Teoloogia kõik põhivaldkonnad

Usuteaduslik Ajakiri

Usuteaduslik Ajakiri on rahvusvahelise toimetuskolleegiumiga eelretsenseeritav ajakiri, mis avaldab teoloogia valdkondi ja nendega seotud teemasid käsitlevaid artikleid.kjt logo

Kirik & Teoloogia

Populaarteadusliku kultuuriajakirja K&T eesmärgiks on toetada ja elavdada teoloogilise mõttevahetuse toimumist ning aidata sellega kaasa teoloogilise otsustusvõime teravnemisele ja teoloogilise vastutustunde süvenemisele, seda nii Eesti luterlikus kirikus kui ka siinses kristlaskonnas ja avalikkuses laiemalt. K&T tahab anda oma panuse, et kirik oleks Eesti ühiskonnas teoloogilisem ning sellisena ehedamalt ja tõelisemalt kirik.

Modern Theology

Modern Theology publishes scholarly articles addressing issues specific to the discipline of theology and wider issues from a theological perspective. The editorial policy is ecumenical, and the journal also publishes critical book reviews, review essays and responses to articles.

Scottish Journal of Theology

Scottish Journal of Theology is an international journal of systematic, historical and biblical theology. Since its foundation in 1948, it has become established as one of the world’s leading theological journals. As well as publishing original research articles, most issues contain an article review consisting of an article-length review of a recent book, with a reply from the author. Scottish Journal of Theology provides an ecumenical forum for debate, and engages in extensive reviewing of theological and biblical literature.

Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche

Founded in 1891. The Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (ZThK) is a scholarly journal devoted to all areas of theological research and the teachings of the church. Contributions from all disciplines within theology concentrate in depth on major issues in theological reflection and Christian practice. They are addressed to students, teachers, clergy and members of the academic profession who wish to participate in contemporary theological debate and to remain abreast of current development.

4.3 Spetsiaalselt teoloogiline eetika

Studies in Christian Ethics

Studies in Christian Ethics is an English-language journal devoted exclusively to questions arising in the field of Christian ethics and moral theology. The journal is published in conjunction with the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics based in the UK, whose annual conference furnishes the themed material for the first issue of each volume. By publishing contributions from international scholars and influential theologians and philosophers, the journal seeks to strengthen debate and to foster research on the wide range of topics that emerge in this fast-growing field.

Journal of Religious Ethics

Founded in 1973, the Journal of Religious Ethics is committed to publishing the very best scholarship in religious ethics, to fostering new work in neglected areas, and to stimulating exchange on significant issues. Emphasizing comparative religious ethics, foundational conceptual and methodological issues in religious ethics, and historical studies of influential figures and texts, each issue contains independent essays, commissioned articles, and a book review essay, as well as a Letters, Notes, and Comments section. Published primarily for scholars working in ethics, religious studies, history of religions, and theology, the journal is also of interest to scholars working in related fields such as philosophy, history, social and political theory, and literary studies.

Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik

Die Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik erscheint seit 1957 und versteht sich als Forum für Fachdiskussionen auf dem Gebiet der protestantischen Ethik. Sie ist in ihrem Bereich die führende Zeitschrift im deutschsprachigen Gebiet und findet darüber hinaus auch Leser v.a. in Skandinavien und im angelsächsischen Raum.

Journal of Lutheran Ethics

JLE is a free, online publication living out the Lutheran tradition of addressing social issues theologically, in conversation with Christian ethics and political theology. A bridge between the academic study of Christianity and the contemporary life of the Church, JLE is a meeting place for scholars and professors, seminary and university students, pastors and bishops, and theologically informed lay persons, advocates, and activists. JLE offers scholarship, resources, and dialogue. It publishes original articles; makes important, previously published contributions to Lutheran ethics available electronically; and provides links to relevant material elsewhere on the Web. Among its resources are brief opinion pieces on contemporary issues, book reviews, longer scholarly works, and reports on “works in progress.”

4.4 Spetsiaalselt religioonifilosoofia

Faith and Philosophy

Faith and Philosophy is published quarterly by the Society of Christian Philosophers. The journal encourages discussions among philosophers representing a wide variety of theological perspectives and philosophical orientations that fall largely within the philosophy of religion. It seeks critical and reflective self-understanding of Christian faith carried out in dialogue with those who do not, as well as with those who do, share its Christian commitment. Faith and Philosophy seeks to serve the Christian community by articulating Christian faith in a way that will withstand rigorous examination and by exploring the implications of that faith for all aspects of human life. It also seeks to serve the intellectual community at large by providing clear and credible discussions of issues related to Christian faith.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies is an international journal devoted to the problems of the philosophy of religion as they arise out of classical and contemporary discussions and from varied religious traditions. More than 25 articles are published each year, and the journal also contains an extensive book review section.

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion

The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion (IJPR) provides a medium for the exposition, development, and criticism of important philosophical insights and theories relevant to religion in any of its varied forms. It also provides a forum for critical, constructive, and interpretative consideration of religion from an objective philosophical point of view. IJPR presents articles, symposia, discussions, reviews, notes, and news, serving the interests of a wide range of thoughtful readers, especially teachers and students of philosophy, philosophical theology and religious thought.

Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions

Since its founding in 1962, the journal Sophia has provided a forum for discussions in philosophy and religion, focusing on the interstices between metaphysics and theological thinking. The discussions encompass the wider ambience of the sciences (‘natural’ philosophy and human/social sciences), ethical and moral concerns in the public sphere, critical feminist theology and cross-cultural perspectives.

Sophia‘s cross-cultural and cross-frontier approach is reflected not only in the international composition of its editorial board, but also in its consideration of analytic, continental, Asian and indigenous responses to issues and developments in the field of philosophy of religion.

4.5 Temaatilise rõhuasetusega


Dialog publishes quality scholarship investigating the intersections between contemporary social issues and the mission of the Lutheran church. The journal addresses the frontiers of theological discussion, using contemporary as well as classical scriptural, confessional, and catholic resources. Dialog appeals to those who appreciate theological scholarship, including academic theologians and church leaders.

Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science

Zygon® focuses on the questions of meaning and values that challenge individual and social existence today. It brings together the best thinking of the day from the physical, biological, and social sciences with ideas from philosophy, theology, and religious studies. The journal’s contributors seek to keep united what may often become disconnected: values with knowledge, goodness with truth, religion with science.

Theology and Science

The primary editorial goal of Theology and Science is to publish critically reviewed articles that promote the creative mutual interaction between the natural sciences and theology. While the journal assumes the integrity of each domain, its primary aim is to explore this interaction in terms of the implications of the natural sciences for constructive research in philosophical and systematic theology, the philosophical and theological elements within and underlying theoretical research in the natural sciences, and the relations and interactions between theological and scientific methodologies. The secondary editorial goal is to monitor and critically assess debates and controversies arising in the broader field of science and religion.

Lutheran Quarterly

Lutheran Quarterly, New Series: a journal for the Evangelical Lutheran Church everywhere, discussing its history and theology.

The aims of the New Series are to provide a forum for the discussion of Christian Faith and life on the basis of the Lutheran Confession; the application of the principles of the Lutheran Church to the changing problems of religion and society; the fostering of world Lutheranism, and the promotion of understanding between Lutherans and other Christians.

Pro Ecclesia

Pro Ecclesia is a journal of theology published by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology. It seeks to give contemporary expression to the one apostolic faith and its classic traditions, working for and manifesting the church’s unity by research, theological construction, and free exchange of opinion. Members of its advisory council represent communities committed to the authority of Holy Scripture, ecumenical dogmatic teaching and the structural continuity of the church, and are themselves dedicated to maintaining and invigorating these commitments. The journal publishes biblical, liturgical, historical and doctrinal articles that promote or illumine its purposes.

Kerygma und Dogma

(TÜ raamatukogus ainult paberkandjal.) Kerygma und Dogma will kirchliches Lehren und Handeln theologisch begleiten. Ihr internationaler Herausgeberkreis lutherischer Theologen lässt hierfür besonders den ökumenischen Dialog fruchtbar werden.

5. Veel olulisi eestikeelseid abimaterjale

 Teoloogilised materjalid, mis on töötatud välja kirikuosadustes, kuhu Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik (EELK) kuulub:

Üheskoos kirik, I. Kirik – Pühakiri – armulaud – amet, koost. T-A. Põder, K. Lääs, K. E. Põder, EELK Usuteaduse Instituudi toimetised 32 / Süstemaatilise ja oikumeenilise teoloogia foorum 2, EELK Usuteaduse Instituut: Tallinn.